As new marking periods approach us, it is important to make sure that student’s are going to have a great marking period. There are many different ways to ensure a great start to the marking period, but one of the most important one is organization. When a student is organized, they do better academically. Here are some tips on getting your child or student organized.
Make a schedule.
Helping your child make a schedule can help them remember when they have things to do, such as homework, and when to get them done. A to-do list can also help with this.
Preparing the day before.
Simple things, like picking out your outfit the night before school, can really speed up the morning process. Being organized and packing your school bag up in advance can also help get the morning going and make the transition to school easier.
Color coding.
Color coding folders, notebooks, or really anything, can really help a student be organized and make things easier and quicker to access.
And most importantly,
Set a good example.
Children follow what they see. If they see you being organized, it will be more likely that they will be organized. By setting a good example, it will be easier to help and show them how to be organized.