The Basics of Gifted Education

While we often focus on how to help academically struggling children to succeed there is a tendency to forget about kids who are gifted because they easily do what teachers require of them.  When we hear the word “gifted” we quickly assume it means a person has a high...
ADHD – Let’s Break it Down!

ADHD – Let’s Break it Down!

We all know someone who has ADHD, right?  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (aren’t you glad we don’t have to say that all the time?) Numbers are on the rise and it’s currently estimated that 11 percent of children and 4 percent of adults struggle with this...
Can I Ask for My Child’s School Records?

Can I Ask for My Child’s School Records?

Personal privacy is something we all value and understand the need for.  This is especially true as we daily face the challenges of unlimited access to data on the internet.  Cyber criminals hack our email accounts, steal our credit card numbers and even our...
Yes – Social Skills can Be Taught!

Yes – Social Skills can Be Taught!

We frequently see families come in and express concerns that their children seem to struggle with new social situations. Some may have IEP’s related to this, while others may struggle with anxiety, and still others may just want to grow into a social butterfly....
Why should you hire an Advocate?

Why should you hire an Advocate?

To start off, we want to be clear that there are times when you do not need to hire an advocate. If your child does not have or need an IEP or 504 plan, if the current IEP or 504 plan is being successful, and you are generally content and fairly accommodated by the...