There is so much to know about IEPs. Individualized Education Programs are made specifically for the student receiving it. No two IEPs are the same. Here are some important things to know about IEPs and how to prepare for an IEP meetings:

IEPs are put in place to help the student.

A student’s IEP helps parents, the school, and other related services come together to help and improve the student’s education.

Not everyone is eligible for an IEP.

IDEA allows students to get the appropriate and best education they need, but not all disabilities qualify for special education and IEPs. Check out to see what is covered under IDEA.

Know the law.

It is so important to know the rights your child has. Study the law. A professional advocate can help you not only understand the law but also get your child the services and education plan that best suits their needs.

Have a game plan and goals in mind; know what you want for your child.

It is important to go into IEP meetings with the knowledge of what you want for your child. An IEP consists of goals that your child will aim to meet, along with related services, modifications, and accommodations put forth to help your child be successful with meeting their goals.

An educational advocate can help.
There is a lot of information that goes along with IEPs. An educational advocate can help with this. They can help you come up with the goals you want your child to meet, and will help you get them. They will make sure they are appropriate goals for your child’s specific needs and recommend specially designed instruction to support them. They will also attend IEP meetings, as well as prepare you both factually and emotionally for IEP meetings. Over all, this ensures a collaborative, positive interaction with school personnel and best-case results for your child.

Feel free to reach out.

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If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s education, progress or potential need for services, please feel free to reach out. You can use the contact form here or call: 610-457-2199. We’re happy to speak with you. Our sole commitment is to your child’s success.