Take your Vitamin D this Summer: Join Us for Summer Camp at Fick Educational Services
Summer is coming and that means summer camp season is almost upon us! Here at Fick Educational Services, the offices are always bustling with activity and learning throughout the summer, and there's scientific reason for it. Research has shown multiple benefits of...

Getting Ready for IEP Season: Creating an IEP Binder
In the wake of the Netflix show on Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, everyone is on a hunt to cut out what doesn’t spark joy. I, for one, have made more trips to Goodwill than I can count in the pursuit of simplifying my life! But what does...

If at First You Don’t Succeed…
Did you know you, as a parent, can request a reevaluation of your child’s IEP? So often it seems that the IEP is the end of the evaluation, but the reality is that sometimes we don’t get it all right the first time. This brings to mind the old adage from Thomas...

Starting the New Year Off Right: Homework Tips to Keep On Track
It’s a new year and everywhere we look, we’re inundated with resolutions! What a perfect time to take a quick assessment of your student’s education and make a plan to start the new year off right. If you got off track before the holiday, have no fear. A few keys can...

Surviving the Holiday Stress… and Helping our Kids Do the Same
It’s that time of year again! The calendars are filling up, to do lists are growing, and the stress is mounting! The holidays can be a fun time, but they can also be daunting especially for those with ADHD or executive function struggles. The busy schedule and...