SUMMER CAMP SERIES 1: Tips for Avoiding the “Summer Slide”

SUMMER CAMP SERIES 1: Tips for Avoiding the “Summer Slide”

We’ve likely all heard the phrase “the summer slide”: that phenomenon where kids tend to forget by September what they knew in May! Research has shown some startling statistics regarding declining reading and math skills over the summer months: When kids don’t read,...

All I Really Need to Know I Learned In… Study Skills?

All I Really Need to Know I Learned In… Study Skills?

I’m sure most of us have heard of Robert Fulghum’s book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. If we haven’t read the book, we’ve likely seen some of the various spinoffs: all I need to know I learned from a teacher; all I need to know I learned from...

Going for the “Goal-d” with your Child’s IEP

Going for the “Goal-d” with your Child’s IEP

One common concern that parents of children with IEP’s face is when the IEP appears to stop working. If you’ve worked with children with IEP’s for any length of time, you probably have experienced this. The IEP is written, goals and accommodations are set up, and...

Study Skills

Study Skills

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks,  and starting on the first one.” Mark Twain As we approach this season with its busyness and hectic pace, sometimes...

Getting Ready For School: How to Get Organized

Getting organized can be difficult for anyone, but is an important skill to have for preparing for school. It is important to find a system that works for both you and your child, and to stick with it. Here are some tips on how your child can get organized and ready...

Fick Education Fick Educational Services is devoted to the educational needs of the children through individualized learning plans, tutoring and advocacy.

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