Dyslexia Early Detection? Wilson Tutors at FES Can Help!
A recent wave in the education arena has been early detection for dyslexia and the ensuing need for qualified educators to aid those struggling with dyslexia. In the past, some hesitated to use the term dyslexia when addressing individual student’s needs. However,...

Clear Language and IEP’s: A Critical Pairing
Ambiguous language choices can get us into a whole heap of messes. Don’t agree? Well, consider the following scenario. You’re invited to a dinner party at your neighbors’ house and you spend the afternoon baking a cake. You stop to chat with your neighbor and they...

How to Start the New School Year off Right!
A new school year can be filled with conflicting emotions: excitement to see friends, anticipation for a new teacher, or anxiety about classes or teachers or homework. For some students however, these emotions can be supercharged! A few tips can help start the year...

What’s the Big Deal with STEM programs, anyway??? Aren’t they all the same??? If you’re paying attention to the kids’ educational toy market, you’ve probably seen the word STEM thrown around pretty freely. It is used so ubiquitously that the term has lost some of its...

SUMMER CAMP SERIES 2: Why We Do Inclusive Camps at FES
As a parent or caregiver for a child with unique abilities, you’ve likely experienced some level of frustration when researching summer camp programs. Trying to find one that is inclusive of all abilities can seem like finding a needle in a haystack. Research has...