by Fick Education | Feb 12, 2019 | academics, chester county, confidence, education, educational advocacy, exton, IEP, malvern, organization, paoli, positivity, success, tutoring, west chester
Did you know you, as a parent, can request a reevaluation of your child’s IEP? So often it seems that the IEP is the end of the evaluation, but the reality is that sometimes we don’t get it all right the first time. This brings to mind the old adage from Thomas... by Fick Education | Jan 7, 2019 | academics, brain, chester county, education, exton, malvern, new marking period, paoli, Reading, success, tutoring, west chester
It’s a new year and everywhere we look, we’re inundated with resolutions! What a perfect time to take a quick assessment of your student’s education and make a plan to start the new year off right. If you got off track before the holiday, have no fear. A few keys can... by Fick Education | Dec 23, 2018 | academics, education, exton, IEP, paoli, Reading, Reading Comprehension, study skills, success, tutoring, west chester
A recent wave in the education arena has been early detection for dyslexia and the ensuing need for qualified educators to aid those struggling with dyslexia. In the past, some hesitated to use the term dyslexia when addressing individual student’s needs. However,... by Fick Education | Dec 14, 2018 | back to school, chester county, confidence, education, educational advocacy, exton, malvern, paoli, study skills, success, tutoring, west chester
We’ve all seen the commercials – the mom who has to turn off the wifi just to enjoy a family meal without distraction, the dad whose kids sit on the couch playing games or looking at their phones until he shuts down their data usage, and the advertisement for... by Fick Education | Nov 12, 2018 | back to school, chester county, education, educational advocacy, exton, IEP, malvern, organization, paoli, positivity, success, tutoring, Uncategorized, west chester
Inattentive ADHD is the rather silent sister of the more gregarious and apparent hyperactive ADHD. As such, it can often go unnoticed for a number of years. Because it can go undetected, it isn’t unusual to become apparent in the teen years. As if growing up wasn’t... by Fick Education | Mar 29, 2018 | academics, brain, chester county, education, executive functioning, exton, malvern, organization, paoli, Reading, Reading Comprehension, Social Skills, Social Skills Group, study skills, success, tutoring, west chester
I’m sure most of us have heard of Robert Fulghum’s book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. If we haven’t read the book, we’ve likely seen some of the various spinoffs: all I need to know I learned from a teacher; all I need to know I learned from...